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Anna Núñez

This Old House, 2025
30" H x 24" W
In 2020, my husband and I bought our first home together – a complete fixer upper from the 1920s. As we worked, I was amazed by how many layers a home can build up on its surfaces when stands for 100 years. On the walls, drywall covered wood paneling, which was nailed into paster, which was smeared over top of wooden lath. We pulled up three layers of flooring in some parts of the house to reveal the original hardwood (in rough condition but still salvageable). Reflecting on that process, I can see how important layering is to me when I work. Layers refresh, tell stories, add depth, and can always be pulled back or restored. In my painting practice, I like knowing that every layer has the power to add a new element or story to a piece of art. It reminds me of my old house and the 100 years' worth of stories that lay in secret layers under these walls.
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