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Mae Read

Dual, 2020
36" H x 24" W
When I began planning this piece it was late in 2019 and a pretty different time but by the second quarter of 2020 when I completed it felt even more right and cohesive than when I had begun. My original idea, amorphous though it was, was to create another painting about multiple selves, but one about self inflicted wounds, self deception, and self pity. About best intentions and worst intentions. It has solidified for me into a portrait of this place, this country, and this time. My version of that anyway. It’s a painting about the people who simultaneously ask how our reality could be what it is, while continuing to be the architects and creators of that same reality. About the people who are lucky enough to be blind to their own hypocrisy. Including myself much of the time I’m sure.
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